Home Forums Unicon Change theme accent color, and main menu font style breaks

Home Forums Unicon Change theme accent color, and main menu font style breaks

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  • #88996

    First thing, straight after purchase, I do a simple but important task: change the accent colour of the site.
    — Go in, Theme Options > Style > make change
    .And the result is:
    — that the whole main menu text changes in look: thinner font weight, upper case gone, font change
    — Theme broken. Once change. Using the facilities provided.

    Now you can go in an override these changes I guess if you tried hard enough, and do delve into the code on the live preview sites, inspect elements, copy the styles that apply to just those elements (or is it other elements too? Make assumptions I guess), and then continue on custom overwrites to bring it back to the way it looked when I demo’d and purchased it.

    Yes, I could do that. Or I could, just ask screw it off and get a refund, and start over after the wasted two hours of evaluating, setting up and implementing your theme. Do you know why this is so frustrating? It’s because the purpose of a theme is to achieve quick ground and support simple changes and keep the same look as that when it was previewed, so that one can save time and minimise repetitive work, and focus on things that are important to the customer – and all too often (it’s not just your theme of course), the most basic of tasks breaks the theme, which makes you wonder:
    – who’s testing
    – who’s using
    – if this is wrong, what else is?

    Absolutely unbelievable. Back to the drawing board, I have better stuff to do that sit here all afternoon and and fixed your broken code instead of doing something I actually give a shit about, creating great content for a customer.

    Further to that, accent colours do not highlight selected menu items, as in the preview, and using the Them Options Styles configurator does not have the effect it says.

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