Home Forums Unicon Questions to Unicon Theme

Home Forums Unicon Questions to Unicon Theme

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Phil (Support) 1 year, 10 months ago.

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  • #92517


    Hi, I have the following questions :
    1. Why isn’t the “Title” of the menu items not shown in the top/main navigation?

    2. Slider:
    What parameters do I have to choose to make return the texts/images/buttons in the order they have appeared before the new image is shown?

    3. Back-To-Top:
    3.1 What am I to do to change the roll-over?
    3.2 The input \f077″; is not shown

    I have remedied to the problem as follows by means of the css:
    #back-to-top a { color: yellow; content: ‘\f102’; font-size: 20px; }
    #back-to-top a:hover { background-color: #0099cc; }
    But it still doesn’t work. Is it possible to set the image a little higher?

    4. What am I to do to integrate the ICONS for Facebook/ Google+ in the top/main navigation?
    5. Sitemap: What am I to do to create a sitemap: Unfortunately there is no basic page I could use. Can you advise or is there a model page I could use? https://bilderupload.org/bild/0e6474192-screenshot-2022-06-10-171

    6. In the page – Team „members-skill-bars“ a section triangle is shown up in the footer (see red circle highlighting the effect).

    . How can I add this effect to the other pages I already created?
    .section-triangle .section-triangle-color {
    position: absolute;
    top: 0;
    left: 50%;
    content: ”;
    width: 0px;
    height: 0px;
    z-index: 99;
    border-style: solid;
    margin-left: -16px;
    border-width: 16px 16px 0 16px;
    border-color: #ffffff transparent transparent transparent;

    7. Directory :
    „theme/unicon/framework/admin/ReduxCore/languages“ file: redux-framework-de_DE.mo, the mention „Read More“ is not shown. I converted the file ‘redux-framework-de_DE.mo’ into a file redux-framework-de_DE.po and added the mention “Read more” by means of Notepad++ The blog on the website still shows “Read more” instead of showing the German version “Mehr lesen”.
    Could you fix the problem.

    8. Blog: I’d like to have a slider as on the other pages. I do not need these mentions.

    How can I switch them off?

    Kind regards Achim

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