Home Forums Unicon Re-uploading demo images, edit blockquote color, gallery posts and footer ?'s

Home Forums Unicon Re-uploading demo images, edit blockquote color, gallery posts and footer ?'s

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  • #84743

    1. The server my site was hosted on crashed and I lost all my images, is there a way to re-upload just the theme demo-images? I miss them. ☹

    2. Where can I edit the Blockquote color? It’s a bit too light and I’d love to match it to my sites color scheme!

    3. When I use the single post Gallery format for a blog post, the gallery is much larger than the actual image sizes, is there any way to adjust that per gallery??? If not, are there set dimensions for horizontal/vertical images? (Each of my galleries will always have a mix of both.)

    4. The footer on my blog post pages looks very different than on say my FAQ page, for example. Can you help me figure out why? (I created the footer using a stationary slider in Slider Rev. ) Basically it just shrinks on blog post pages. (See next private post for examples)

    I’ve turned off all the plug-ins that didn’t come with the theme. I will send my log in information in a separate message.

    Thank you in advance for your expertise!

    – Lindsey

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