Home Forums Unicon Minti Shortcodes Dropdown Not Inserting Shortcode into Post

Home Forums Unicon Minti Shortcodes Dropdown Not Inserting Shortcode into Post

This topic contains 22 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by  Phil (Support) 2 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #91166


    Hi, I am trying to add a button using the Minti shortcodes dropdown in the post editor. The menu will open and I can put in the correct info, but when I click Insert, nothing happens.
    I looked up the button shortcode and copied and pasted it in the post and it showed up correctly, so it appears that there is just an issue with the dropdown inserting the shortcode. Any idea on what could be causing this or things I can try to fix it? Thanks!

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