Home Forums Inovado Custom fields and post fields not displaying

Home Forums Inovado Custom fields and post fields not displaying

This topic contains 20 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Phil (Support) 3 years ago.

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  • #91328

    I have been having a variety of problems with our website. I use “Toolset,” and I had been thinking the problem was with the plugin “Toolset,” but after reviewing with them, they believe the problem is with the theme. I tried updating to Inovado 4.6.10 because I’ve seen it linked in other support threads, but unfortunately that has not resolved the issue.

    I have a custom post type named “Sermons” and a sermon I posted a couple weeks ago displays fine: https://veritascolumbus.com/sermon/saul-the-first-king-of-israel/

    But a sermon I posted Sunday afternoon shows up like this: https://veritascolumbus.com/sermon/behold-king-jesus/

    When I inspect the code, I see that in the post that is displaying correctly, I see “<div class=”post-excerpt”></div>” is populated with content, but in the post that isn’t displaying any content, I see <div class=”post-excerpt”></div> is empty. That may not be a helpful observation, but I think some of the challenges I’ve had in other places has to do with calling some of those basic post fields and they aren’t displaying.

    Any ideas?

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