Home Forums Unicon Home page not visible

Home Forums Unicon Home page not visible

This topic contains 5 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Phil (Support) 2 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #92081


    I tried to make my website visible and off from the “Maintenance mode” and somehow I was able to make my home page disappear fully. When I “go to my page” I only see the text “Blog” even though I do not have a blog page. When I go to pages>Edit home page>preview, I see the same empty page with the text “blog”. Can you see what the problem is? Why can I not see my home page in preview? I can see the back-end editor, so my page should not be gone.

    Another question, when I go to my domain on a browser, I still see the maintenance page even though it is not published anymore in my pages. How do I get the domain to connect to my homepage?

    Can you help me?

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