Home Forums Unicon Details on Portfolio images on hover?

Home Forums Unicon Details on Portfolio images on hover?

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Phil (Support) 5 years ago.

  • Creator
  • #84991

    Purchased the Unicon theme and enjoy it very much.
    I have a question: Is it possible to have the excerpt or other text show up on the Portfolio image when you hover over it? This would be text in addition to the Title of the Portfolio item.

    OR is there a way to include some brief text below the image when it opens up in the lightbox?

    Please let me know if there are any options for adding additional text to the Portfolio items either on the image hover or under the image lightbox (instead of having to use the link to the full portfolio item page).

    Thank you very much for your time and help!

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