Home Forums Unicon Pinning to Pinterest

Home Forums Unicon Pinning to Pinterest

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Phil (Support) 6 years ago.

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  • #87415


    Hi, I seem to be having a problem when trying to Pin images from my site using Unicon to Pinterest.
    I’ve tried using different browsers but I can’t get Pinterest to recognise any of the images on the site.
    I’ve installed the PIN button on my browsers from the Pinterest site (https://about.pinterest.com/en/browser-button) but no matter what page I select on my site (www.productrenders.co.nz) its always comes up with the same error:

    “Sorry, couldn’t find any pinnable things on this page.”

    I’ve done a bit of reading and it seems there could be an instruction on the site telling Pinterest not to share images?

    “not contain an inline nopin=true attribute”

    It might not be this but if it is how can I remove it?


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